MERCATO - Napoli, per prendere Vrsaljko bisogna fare cassa, ecco i possibili partenti
Il Napoli non molla la presa nemmeno per Sime Vrsaljko, che il Sassuolo valuta non meno di 13 milioni. Per prendere il croato serve però fare cassa: la cessione di Edu Vargas all'Al Rayyan, che servirebbe a finanziare il mercato in entrata, è in fase di stallo. Tra i partenti ci sono anche Zuniga e Ghoulam: il tesoretto del Napoli (da almeno 15 milioni nei piani azzurri) potrebbe arrivare da lì. Sul colombiano ci sono Fiorentina e Borussia Dortmund, mentre l'algerino piace a PSG ed Arsenal.
Market-Naples, to take cash, must be done Vrsaljko here is the possible startersThe Napoli grip spring even Sime Vrsaljko, that currency no less than Sassuolo 13 million. To take the Croatian but need cash: the sale of Edu Vargas Al Rayyan, who would finance the inbound market, is stalled. Among the participants there are also Zuniga and Ghoulam: the trove of Naples (from at least 15 million in the Blues) could get from there. The Colombian are Fiorentina and Borussia Dortmund, while the Algerian PSG and like Arsenal.

MARKET - Naples, to take Vrsaljko must make money, here are the possible starters
The Naples not taken the spring even for Sime Vrsaljko, which the Sassuolo currency not less than 13 million. To take the croatian however serves make money: the sale of Edu Vargas to Rayyan, which would finance the market entry, and to stall. Among the starters there are also Zuniga and Ghoulam:The trove of Naples (by at least 15 million in plans azzurri) could be coming from there. On the Colombian there are Fiorentina and Borussia Dortmund, while algerian likes to PSG and Arsenal.