L’Italia ha diversi problemi interni alla squadra. Ora è palese quanto sta accadendo nella Nazionale di volley maschile. Che lo spogliatoio non fosse perfettamente unito si era già capito ai disastrosi Mondiali di Polonia: una squadra sfilacciata, troppi individualismi, un gioco mai trovato, uno spirito perso per strada dopo delle eccellenti stagioni, un tredicesimo posto che fa ancora male.
I fantasmi di quella rassegna iridata si sono ripercossi anche sull’annata in corso. Lo si è percepito chiaramente nel weekend: la netta sconfitta in gara1 contro il Brasile ha portato a un confronto acceso tra le varie parti, nell’albergo di Cuiabà al risveglio dalla brutta nottata, che ha spinto un po’ i ragazzi a ritrovarsi e a conquistare il replay della sfida ai vicecampioni del Mondo (non entriamo troppo nel dettaglio tecnico, ci siamo già soffermati).
The Italy has several problems within the team. Now it is clear what is happening in the national men's volleyball. That the locker room is not perfectly Kingdom had already realized the disastrous World Championships in Poland: a team frayed, too much individualism, a game never found a spirit lost his way after excellent seasons, a thirteenth place that still hurts.The ghosts of that World Championships have passed on this year. This has been clearly perceived in the weekend: the clear defeat in race 1 against Brazil led to a heated confrontation between various parties, in hotel in Cuiabà upon awakening from bad night, that prompted some boys to meet and conquer the replays of the challenge to runners in the world (we don't get into too much technical detail, we already discussed).

Italy has several problems within the team. Now it is clear what is happening in the National men's volleyball. That the locker room is not perfectly united had already realized the disastrous World Championships in Poland: a frayed team, too much individualism, a game never found, a spirit lost his way after some excellent seasons, a thirteenth place that still hurts.
The ghosts of the World Championships have also passed on on vintage underway. This has been clearly perceived in the weekend: the clear defeat in Race 1 against Brazil led to a confrontation switched between the various parties in the hotel in Cuiabá on waking from bad night, which pushed a little 'guys to meet and conquer the replay challenge to vice-champions of the world (we do not go into too much technical detail, we have already discussed).

lira, former coin and monetary unit of Italy; coin and monetary unit of Turkey
L, Luxembourg, country in northwestern Europe
l, 12th letter of the Italian alphabetThe%20Ghosts%20of%20that%20review%20rainbow%20you%20are%20passed%20also%20on%E2%80%99vintage%20in%20course.%20The%20you%20%C3%A8%20perceived%20clearly%20in%20weekend:%20The%20net%20defeat%20in%20gara1%20against%20The%20Brazil%20has%20brought%20a%20a%20comparison%20running%20between%20The%20various%20parts,%20in%E2%80%99hotel%20of%20Cuiab%C3%A0%20al%20awakening%20from%20ugly%20night,%20that%20has%20pushed%20a%20po%E2%80%99%20i%20boys%20a%20Gather%20e%20a%20conquer%20The%20replay%20of%20challenge%20to%20vicecampioni%20of%20World%20(Not%20Enter%20too%20in%20detail%20technical,%20Ci%20us%20gi%C3%A0%20paused).