EMANUELE BIRARELLI: 9. L’esperienza fa la differenza. Basterebbe raccontare un episodio per chiarire il peso giocato dal capitano della Nazionale nella gara1 della Finale Scudetto: Modena ha un match point nel quarto set, viene annullato e poi il centrale piazza un pallonetto e un muro per trascinare l’incontro al tie-break. Chiuderà con 13 punti, 3 muri, 2 aces e il 73% in attacco.
EMANUELE BIRARELLI: 9. experience makes all the difference. It would recount an episode to clarify the weight played by the captain of the national team in race 1 of the Championship final: Modena has a match point in the fourth set, is cancelled and then the central piazza a LOB and a wall to drag the match to the tiebreaker. Close with 13 points, 3 walls, 2 aces and 73% up front.
Emanuele Birarelli: 9. Experience makes the difference. It would be enough to tell an episode to clarify the weight played by the National Captain in the Scudetto race 1 Final: Modena has a match point in the fourth set, is canceled and then the central square a ball and a wall to drag the match tie-break. Close with 13 points, 3 walls, 2 aces and 73% attack.