Un team unito, che ha regalato tante emozioni e che nonostante le lacrime post delusione, continua a sorridere e ad avere tanta grinta. A sorridere sempre ci ha pensato Simone Giannelli, 20enne palleggiatore azzurro, che anche dopo la delusione continua a mostrare tutta la sua solarità: “questo sono io: se ti diverti mentre giochi a pallavolo, giochi anche molto meglio. A un certo punto ho visto che la squadra era un po’ contratta, tirata. E ho cercato di fare qualcosa, di incitarli. Di dire che comunque anche se era una finale olimpica, era sempre pallavolo: non fisica nucleare. Bisognava godersela fino in fondo. Purtroppo non è stato così, perché il Brasile ha vinto”, ha dichiarato il pallavolista azzurro in un’intervista a La Gazzetta dello Sport.
A United team that has given so many emotions and that despite the tears post disappointment, keep smiling and having so much grit. Smiling always thought Simon Giannelli, 20-year-old setter blue, that even after the disappointment continues to show its radiance: "this is me: If you have fun while playing volleyball, games also much better. At one point I saw that the team was somewhat contracted, pulled. And I tried to do anything, to spur them on. To say that anyway even though it was an Olympic final, was always volleyball: not nuclear physics. You had to enjoy it thoroughly. Unfortunately it was not, because Brazil has won, "said blue volleyball player in an interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport.

A united team, which got so many emotions and disappointment that despite the post tears, keep smiling and have a lot of grit. A smile always has thought Simone Giannelli, 20 year-old shortstop blue, that even after the disappointment continues to show its radiance: "this is me: if you have fun while volleyball games, even games much better. At one point I saw that the team was a bit 'contracted, pulled. And I tried to do something, to incite them. To say that although it was still an Olympic final, was always volleyball: not nuclear physics. He had to enjoy it to the hilt. Unfortunately it was not so, because Brazil won, "said volleyball player blue in an interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport.