Forse, alla fine di tutto, ringrazierà sua sorella Martina che lo ha fatto arrivare alla pallavolo. Dopo che aveva provato un po’ tutti gli sport, dallo sci al tennis (suo padre è uno dei migliori maestri dell’Alto Adige). Poi è stato fulminato dalle schiacciate e prima di iniziare a palleggiare ha fatto di tutto, schiacciatore, anche il centrale. L’altra sera il presidente del Coni, Giovanni Malagò, l’ha indicato come il simbolo della squadra che si rinnova. Dell’Italia che ha già ripreso la marcia, se non per Tokyo (lo sportivo non vive solo ogni 4 anni, come si potrebbe immaginare da lontano), ma per il campionato che sta iniziando, o per la prossima stagione azzurr
Maybe, in the end, will thank her sister Martina that it did arrive to volleyball. After she had tried a little all sports, from skiing to tennis (her father is one of the best instructors in South Tyrol). Then he was electrocuted from mashed and before starting to dribble did everything, Spiker, also the Central. Last night the President of Coni, Giovanni Malagò, designated as the team's symbol that is renewed. Italy has already resumed the March, except to Tokyo (the sportsman does not live only once every 4 years, as you might imagine from afar), but for the League that is starting, or blue for next season

Perhaps, at the end of all, thank his sister Martina that it did arrive to volleyball. After he tried a bit 'all sports, from skiing to tennis (his father is one of the best masters of South Tyrol). Then he was struck by and crushed before starting to dribble did everything, spiker, even the middle. The other night the CONI president Giovanni Malago, has indicated as the symbol of the team that is renewed. For Italy, which has already started the march, except to Tokyo (the athlete does not live only every four years, as you might imagine from a distance), but for the championship is starting, or for next season Azure