Da quando ho lasciato quella stanza non ho mai avuto un confronto con nessuno, o almeno non l’ho avuto con chi ha preso quella decisone. Zero, vuoto assoluto. E’ finita così. Nemmeno il tempo di uno sguardo. Sarei falso a non dire che mi sarei aspettato un confronto, ma la mia non è una polemica, è solo una considerazione ovvia che faccio quando due parti hanno condiviso tanto insieme e in un attimo le strade si sono biforcate. Non è una questione di regole, non è una questione di logica, è una questione di pancia, di animo, di cuore. Di umanità. Altrimenti a che cosa serve costruire rapporti? Credo nei rapporti umani, mi sono sempre alimentato da questi, e spero di non smettere mai di farlo. Nemmeno dopo tutta questa storia.
Since I left that room I never had a confrontation with anyone, or at least I've had with those who took that decision. Zero, absolute vacuum. It's over as well. No time to take a look. I would be untrue to say that I would have expected a confrontation, but mine is not a controversy, it's just an obvious consideration I do when two parties have shared so much together and in a moment the roads forked. It's not a question of rules, it is not a matter of logic, it's a matter of heart, soul, belly. Of humanity. Otherwise what is it good for building relationships? I believe in human relations, I have always fed by these, and I hope I never stop doing it. Even after all this.

Since I left that room I never had a confrontation with anyone, or at least I did not have with those who have made that decision. Zero, absolute emptiness. It 's over as well. Not even a glance time. I would be untrue to say that I would have expected a confrontation, but mine is not a polemic, it's just an obvious consideration that I do when two parties have shared so much together and in a moment the streets were bifurcated. It is not a matter of rules, is not a matter of logic, it is a matter of belly, the mind, the heart. Of humanity. Otherwise what is the use to build relationships? I believe in human relationships, I always fed by them, and I hope I never stop doing it. Even after all this history.