Quando le logiche del commercio si fondono con lo spirito di ricerca e le esigenze del gusto, le scelte di campo non seguono rigidamente il trend dei consumi, ma lo infl uenzano e lo indirizzano verso nuovi orizzonti estetici e di business.
When the logic of business merge with the spirit of research and the needs of taste,field choices do not follow strictly the trend in consumer spending, but the affect and directtowards new horizons beauty and business.
When the logic of trade merge with the spirit of research and the needs of taste, the choices of the field does not strictly follow the trend in consumption, but the infl uence and directing it towards new horizons and beauty business.
When the logic of trade blend with the spirit of research and the needs of the taste, the choices of field do not strictly follow the trend of consumption, but the infl multidrug resistance status and send you toward new horizons aesthetic and business.