ANTONINO CAVALAZZI: a life for violin making Born in Bagnacavallo (Ravenna) September 22, 1905 and lives in Ravenna dali'eta of six months, the luthier Cavalazzi has always shown a keen interest in music he could reconcile with his accountancy studies and with the commitments of his work. In 1920, at the age of about 15 years, driven by a strong passion for music and the desire to learn to play, costrul his first violin under the guidance of elementary Domenico Veggi of Bagnacavallo, his relative and amateur violin making. After Ia construction of this instrument, he began studying privately and was so fascinated by this first experience in the field of trade that began the construction of another violin for which he had bought the material at a Czechoslovak company specialized in seasoning and trading wood for string instruments. Later he built a purple and other violins, some of which had been ordered by students as well as professionals: instruments that were quickly appreciated by many musicians. As the Cavalazzi himself liked to say, the violin-making is an art and addictive, once you enter in its "spire", it is difficult uscime; Therefore, after finishing his studies in accounting and absolved the military service, the luthier devoted himself continuously and fiery passion to the construction of violins, violas and cellos. In the meantime, he was employed in a local bank, so it could devote to violin making only his free time and holidays, in fact this art for him was not just a hobby, but its main business. Increasingly dissatisfied with the results, it gains more by intuition than to study, he realized that, apart from the artwork for the ' aesthetics, stringed instruments are to be considered producers and sound amplifiers that must be pure, sweet, harmonious and at the same time powerful, easy. and prompt emission. To obtain these results realized it was necessary to deepen studies on acoustics and enforce the laws of aIl'intemo soundboard for this purpose studio with an engineer specializing in acoustics theater to improve the propagation of sound His instruments in the concert halls and theaters. At the same time interested also of "anatomy" of the woods and on the subject held later, on request, a conference at the Rotary Club of Ravenna, generating considerable interest among those present and, in particular doctors , they were amazed by the similarity between human anatomy and that of trees. His knowledge of the woods and their maturation were such that, hearing them in your hands and especially "sing" under the gouge, could imagine the timbre of the instrument under construction and therefore valutame thicknesses. We dedicate to the study of organic chemistry to address the problem of venici, which he regarded as the "skin" of the sound box. In the numerous experiments was assisted by his wife, who understood and supported the passion for the art of violin making: a Sunday afternoon, during the preparation of a venice that the maker was melting on the fire, he came out from the container a few drops that caught fire and his wife-assistant, to avoid fire, bringing the pan from the stove the sink, burned himself hand and arm. Despite the appreciation of professionals and Italian and foreign musicians, including Nathan Milstein who complimented said, "as a violin maker has reached the maximum, and therefore impossible to further improve," the Maestro Cavalazzi He never considered arrived. Indeed, he has continued throughout his life his research, his stucli and experiments to obtain always the best as both power and sound quality, both for composing venici increasingly elastic, shiny, bright and transparent, so as to bring out all Smaller veins marbling and wood. Just to check. the results of his studies, he never built "in series" but, before he began work on the next instrument, has always finished in the building, he personally tried and did try to eldest daughter, being a violinist, considered Ia " godmother "of all his violins and violas. As for the cellos, as well as try them himself (he had learned the basics technicians) were friends, teachers and musicians who were happy to follow his progress. Despite this great commitment research and construction that occupied him full-time as soon as he could withdraw from the bank, the luthier has never neglected the study of the violin, privately reaching a level of eighth course. He played so well that the oldest daughter persuaded him to play as a second violinist of the quartet to take the exam to graduate at the "G. Rossini" of Pesaro. On examination, the Commission noted that the quartet was made up of six Cavalazzi four instruments father and daughter. In preparation for that examination the daughter of his father luthier recommended not to use chisels, rasps or other dangerous equipment to prevent injuries to hands, and this was the second time in his life when he was away from his lab; the first was the war in which he was called as an officer of the Italian army. Though honored by the request made to him to direct the State School of Violin Making in Cremona, I do not accept the assignment for non-stop or be distracted in the path of the construction of staff string instruments. His work was appreciated in Italy for violinists, violists and cellists of the major orchestras, who bought his instruments, but also by musicians as Brengola, Welcome, Farulli, Filipinos, brothers Ferraresi and many others. became established also to ' foreign, he received requests from American training schools, orchestras, concert artists and teachers in the United States, Mexico, the Greater Antilles, India, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland and other States. Just in Switzerland violinist Montserrat Cervera won the Geneva Competition with the violin Cavalazzi. Whenever the great violinist Henryk Szeryng was in Italy for concerts, did not miss the opportunity to visit a luthier Cavalazzi to try and compare his violins dci which he appreciated significantly Ia Ia power and sound quality. The luthier Ravenna has successfully participated in international exhibitions and competitions getting praise, gold medals and silver for Ia paint and for the quartet built in 1973 that has left the only legacy niece Silvia. On the occasion of the celebrations in memory of the luthier Sacconi, cellist Daniel Vandersall offered a gold medal to be awarded to the manufacturer of the best cello participant: the cello was a winner Cavalazzi. The luthier also had the honor to be chosen by the Italian government to represent Italy in Germany at the Show-market of Fair Monaco where levied great success resulting in sales of instruments submitted and request others. In 1969, moreover, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Ravenna conferred the Gold Medal for "the work done in the field of violin making, with the expertise and passion to merit renowned both in Italy and abroad". This art has involved the whole family who shared with luthier participation, expectations, satisfaction, knowledge of great performers from all over the world and musical evenings with performing duets, trios, quartets, even with the piano, as the youngest daughter is a pianist. As a confidential, sensitive, gentle and affectionate, but tenacious and Constant, he has worked tirelessly and with passion unchanged until the last Giomi life when, struck by grief over the loss of his beloved wife, died on 8 January 1986, leaving patent the last violin and a huge void in the beloved daughters .