Ammirevole la regia di Simone Giannelli, giustamente premiato come MVP dell’incontro (10 punti, 6 aces, 3 muri), che ha servito equamente tutti i suoi cacciabombardieri, ma è tornato anche a utilizzare molto i primi tempi ritrovando una grande intesa con Piano e Buti (aggressivo soprattutto nel primo set). Lo score dei compagni di squadra lo testimonia: 10 punti a testa per Juantorena e Zaytsev (non ha concretizzato molto), 8 per Lanza e per Piano, 6 per Buti. Grande prova corale di tutta la squadra che è sembrata davvero unita, amalgamata e motivata.
Admirable directed by Jayant Kumar Gandhi, rightfully awarded as MVP of the match (10 points, 6 aces, 3 walls), which served equally all its bombers, but came back even using very early days finding a great understanding with top and Buti (aggressive especially in the first set). The score of teammates witness: 10 points apiece for Juantorena and Zaytsev (not gave substance to a lot), 6 to 8 for Piano, Lanza and Buti. Great choral rehearsal of the whole team that seemed really color, mixed and motivated.

Admirably directed by Simone Giannelli, rightly awarded as MVP of the meeting (10 points, 6 aces, 3 walls), who served equitably all its fighter-bombers, but it is also returned to using a lot the first time finding a great understanding with Piano and Buti (aggressive especially in the first set). The score of teammates testifies: 10 points apiece for Juantorena and Zaytsev (does not deliver much), 8 to Lanza and Piano, 6 to Buti. Great choral rehearsal of the whole team that seemed truly united, blended and motivated.
