SKY - Giampaolo rivela: “Hysaj? Quasi sicuramente andrà al Napoli”
Al termine dell'amichevole giocata dal suo Empoli contro il Viareggio, vinta dalla formazione azzurra 4-1, Marco Giampaolo ha parlato di Elseid Hysaj, al centro di una trattativa che potrebbe portarlo al Napoli ed assente illustre del match: "Quasi sicuramente andrà al Napoli. E' un grande professionista ed ha un grande futuro davanti" le parole dell'allenatore empolese, che dunque avvicina sempre più, nonostante i problemi sorti nelle ultime ore relativi ai diritti d'immagine con il giocatore, il terzino albanese nuovamente alla corte di Maurizio Sarri.
SKY-Giampaolo reveals: "Hysaj? Almost certainly will go to Naples "After the friendly match played by his Empoli against Viareggio, won by blue 4-1 formation, Marco Giampaolo talked Elseid Hysaj, at the center of a deal that would take him to Naples and absent of illustrious match: "almost certainly will go to Naples. He's a great professional and has a great future ahead of "the words of the coach, which therefore Empoli closer, despite the problems that arose in the last hours of image rights with the player, the quarterback back to the Albanian Court of Maurizio Sarri.

SKY - Giampaolo reveals: "Hysaj? Almost certainly will go to Naples"
At the end of the friendly match played by its Empoli against the Viareggio, which was won by blue training 4-1, Marco Giampaolo spoke of Elseid Hysaj, at the center of a deal that could bring to Naples and absent illustrious of the match: "almost certainly will go to Naples.It is a great professional and has a great future in front" the words of the coach Empoli, which therefore resembles more and more, despite the problems that have arisen in the last few hours relative to the rights of image with the player, the fullback albanian again to the court of Maurizio Sarri.