The Dyeworks Factory Motta is active in the territory since 1960 and work on behalf of third parties in the field of the enhancement of the textile fibers.
in the establishment of Busto Arsizio to treat various kinds of yarn wrapped in cones with a flexibility that goes from dyeing of a single bobbin up to more than 600 cones for color.
Over the years, our operations resarch have been developed in the preparation and dyeing of natural fibers; predominantly cellulosic such as cotton, flax and hemp, but also of proteic nature such as wool, cashmere and silk.
We are also able to tune the recipe for the various combinations of mixed yarns;Whether it's blends between the two category of fibers just mentioned and the possible combinations of the same with artificial and synthetic fibers in addition to dyeing the yarn elastcizzati.
between our working also includes: the dyeing of Indigo on various substrates and dyes with effect "délavè pale blue" on cotton and linen and effect "délavè pale blue fixed" on flax.