la pressione di esplosione e stata ricavata avvalendosi dei risultati delle Prove ottenuti sulla scatola morsetti del motore 355 sia per Ta ≥ -20 ℃ che per Ta ≥ -55 ℃ (Record di Prova A8036493)
the explosion pressure was obtained using the results ofEvidence obtained on the terminal box 355 motor for both Ta ≥ -20 ℃ ≥ -55 that Ta 25℃ (A8036493 Test)
the explosion pressure and was derived using the results of tests obtained on the terminal box of the motor 355 is to Ta ≥ -20 ℃ for Ta ≥ -55 ℃ (Record Test A8036493)
The pressure of explosion was formed using the results of evidence obtained on terminal box engine 355 for both Ta ≥ -20℃ that for Ta ≥ -55℃ (Records of Test TO8036493)