Per questi abiti, nulla cambia per quanto riguarda il busto, anzi, a ragione della divisione del dietro, e cioè, della posizione della cucitura che divide il fianchetto dal dietro, il modello si adatta alla conformazione con minore difficoltà. Ciò che, per questi abiti, richiede perizia e competenza è il perfetto equilibrio dell'attaccatura della falda, affinché non se ne comprometta l'appiombo, perciò la maggiore attenzione nella prova dev'essere rivolta a questa parte dell'abito, onde discernere la giusta causa di eventuali difetti e correggere adeguatamente.
For these clothes, nothing changes with respect to the bust, indeed, by reason of the division behind, namely, the position of the seam which divides the side panel from behind, the model fits the conformation with less difficulty. What, for these dresses, requires skill and expertise is the perfect balance attach flap, lest they compromise the upright, so the most attention in the test shall be given to this part of the dress, in order to discern the just cause for defects and fix properly.

For these dresses, nothing changes with regard to the torso, indeed, because of the division of the back, that is, the position of the seam that divides the flank from the back, the model adapts to the conformation with less difficulty. What, for these clothes, requires expertise and competence is the perfect balance of the aphlarymit attachment, so that the apportionment is not compromised, so the greater attention in the test must be directed to this part of the dress, in order to discern the due to any defects and correct properly.