I difetti che si possono verificare nel panciotto, sono in ogni caso meno gravi di quelli che si riscontrano nella giacca, in quanto ché, nel panciotto, non sono le maniche, la larghezza delle spalle è notevolmente ridotta ed il giro è più profondo. I difetti, causati da inadeguata ampiezza o da errata impostazione dei montanti, si correggono come quelli della giacca.
The defects that may occur in the waistcoat, are in each case less serious than those that occur in the jacket, as for, in the waistcoat, the sleeves are not, the width of the shoulders is greatly reduced and the ride is deeper. <br><br>The defects caused by inadequate amplitude or incorrect setting of the uprights, are corrected as those of the jacket.

The defects that can occur in the waistcoat, in any case less serious than those found in the jacket, because, in the waistcoat, are not the sleeves, the width of the shoulders is greatly reduced and the turn is deeper. <br><br>The defects, caused by inadequate amplitude or incorrect setting of the struts, are corrected like those of the jacket.