Il WT permette di configurare un moltiplicatore personalizzato, per singolo sistema, che possa essere fissato secondo la disponibilità economica presente presso il conto broker col quale si trada col WT. Ciò significa che se, per esempio, impostassimo un moltiplicatore uguale a 3, al sopraggiungere di una posizione LONG (al rialzo, posizione del consulente = +1), il WT provvederebbe a portare la reale posizione sul mercato non a +1 bensi a +3 (+1 X 3 = +3)
The WT allows to configure a custom multiplier, for single system, that can be fixed in accordance with the budget in mind at the broker account with whom you trade with WT. This means that if, for example, we set a multiplier equals 3, the onset of a LONG position (upward, position of consultant = +1), the WT is obliged to bring the real market position not to +1 but to +3 (+1 X 3 = +3)

The WT allows you to configure a custom multiplier, single-system, which can be set according to this economic deposits with the broker account with which you trada with WT. This means that if, for example, impostassimo a multiplier equal to 3, the arrival of a LONG position (upward, the consultant = +1 position), the WT would either bring the actual position on the market not at +1 to + bensi 3 (+1 X 3 = +3)

The%20wt%20allows%20of%20configure%20a%20multiplier%20custom,%20for%20single%20system,%20that%20can%20be%20fixed%20Second%20The%20availability%C3%A0%20economic%20present%20AT%20The%20account%20broker%20col%20which%20you%20trada%20col%20wt.%20Ci%C3%B2%20means%20that%20if,%20for%20example,%20impostassimo%20a%20multiplier%20equal%20a%203%20al%20Arise%20of%20a%20position%20LONG%20(a1%20adjuster,%20position%20of%20consultant%20=%20 1),%20The%20wt%20would%20a%20Bring%20The%20real%20position%20on%20market%20not%20a%20 1%20bensi%20a%20 3%20( 1%20x%203%20=%20 3)