Questa colonna rappresenta una cella interattiva che permette di compiere la rimozione di uno specifico rigo presente nella griglia. Ciccando nella cella corrispondente si ottiene la cancellazione dell’ordine corrispondente che non influisce, nel caso in cui il WT sia in modalità trading automatico, alla corrispondente revoca dell’ordine caricato presso il broker. Ciò significa che, agendo su questo bottone, è possibile creare temporanei scenari di asimmetria fra questo pannello e lo speculare pannello “Real Working Orders”. In ogni caso, qualora sia stato rimosso un ordine attraverso l’uso di questa funzione, questo sarà ripristinato, se previsto dalla strategia, alla successiva ricezione del flusso di consulenza. Ne segue che la cadenzata elaborazione dei segnali di consulenza, tende a ripristinare, ove necessario, l’esatta situazione all’interno di questo pannello. Nel caso in cui l’utente elimini involontariamente degli ordini utilizzando questa funzione, può rapidamente ripristinare la condizione corretta ciccando sul bottone denominato “Request Levels” o, in alternativa, riavviando il WT
This column represents an interactive cell that allows the removal of a specific line in the grid. By clicking on the corresponding cell you get the corresponding order cancellation which does not affect, in case the automated trading mode, the WT corresponding cancellation uploaded at the broker. This means that, by acting on this button, you can create this asymmetry between scenarios temporary Panel and the mirrored Panel "Real Working Orders". In any case, if you have removed an order through the use of this function, this will be restored, if the next strategy receiving stream of advice. It follows that the lilting consulting, signal processing tends to restore, wherever necessary, the exact situation within this Panel. In case the user accidentally deletes orders using this function, you can quickly restore condition correct by clicking on the button called "Request Levels" or, Alternatively, restarting the WT

This column is an interactive cell that allows to complete the removal of a specific line in the grid. Clicking in the corresponding cell is obtained the corresponding cancellation of the order which does not affect, in the case in which the WT is in the automatic trading mode, corresponding to the revocation of the order loaded with the broker. This means that, by acting on this button, you can create temporary asymmetric scenarios between this panel and the panel mirror "Real Working Orders". In any case, if an order through the use of this function, this will be restored, if provided by the strategy, the next reception of the flow of advice has been removed. It follows that the lilting processing consultancy signals, tends to restore, if necessary, the exact situation within this panel. In the event that the user inadvertently delete orders using this function, you can quickly restore the correct condition by clicking on the button named "Request Levels" or, alternatively, by restarting the WT

q, 17th letter of the Italian alphabet%20acting%20on%20This%20button,%20%C3%A8%20possible%20create%20temporary%20scenarios%20of%20asymmetry%20between%20This%20panel%20e%20The%20specular%20panel%20%E2%80%9CReal%20Working%20Orders%E2%80%9D.%20In%20every%20case,%20If%20both%20been%20removed%20a%20order%20through%20l%E2%80%99use%20of%20This%20function,%20This%20sar%C3%A0%20restored,%20If%20provided%20from%20strategy,%20to%20subsequent%20receiving%20of%20flow%20of%20advice.%