Shipping informationYou can find information related to the tracking and shipping your order within the order details.Below you can see the different States: • Not yet shipped: your order has not yet entered the shipping process. You'll find the expected delivery date on each article. The estimated delivery date is calculated based on the availability of the item you ordered and the shipping method you choose for your order. • In preparation for shipment: we are preparing the shipment of your order. This process may take some time, but he will not vary the estimated delivery date. We'll send you an email when your order has been shipped. If you wish, you can request cancellation of the order. • Shipment: we ship your order. We'll send you an email when shipped. It might still be possible to request the cancellation of the order. • Shipped: your order has been shipped from the distribution center in the specified date. You can view the estimated delivery date talking my orders. If you can't find the order will my orders, you may not have completed the purchase process. Click on cart, at the top right of every page of Amazon. If the items you wish to order are still listed in this section, click on proceed to checkout and complete your order. If you don't find the items in your shopping cart or within your account, check if you have ordered using a different e-mail address. For more information about how to place an order, please place an order. Track your shipment on courier's website If you wish to verify the traceability of an order on the carrier, you can use the following information:Amazon Logistics (domestic shipping)• Research expedition: my orders. • Delivery times: Monday to Saturday from 8:30 at 18:30. SDA (domestic shipping) • Website: • Research expedition: traceability SDA. • Delivery times: Monday to Friday from 8:30 at 18:30. • Phone number (toll number): 199 11 33 66. • Contact Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 at 18:30; Saturday from 8:00 at 13:30. UPS (domestic and international shipments) • Website: • Tracking: UPS tracking. • Delivery times: Monday to Friday from 9:00 at 18:00. • Phone number (toll number): (+39) 02 30 30 30 39. • Contact Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 at 19:00; Saturday from 8:00 at 13:30. DHL (domestic and international shipments) • Website: • Research shipping: DHL Tracking. • Delivery times: Monday to Friday from 8:00 at 18:00. • Phone number (toll number): 199 199 345. • Contact Hours: Monday to Friday from 8 to 19. After 19 an automated phone system offers assistance with traceability. GLS (domestic and international shipments) • Website: • Research expedition: traceability GLS. • Delivery times: Monday to Friday from 8:30 at 18:00. • Phone number (toll number): 199,151,188. • Contact Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30 at 19:30; Saturday from 8:30 at 12:00. BABU (domestic shipping) • Website: • Research expedition: traceability Bartolini. Enter the tracking number in "ID neck customer." • Delivery times: Monday to Friday from 8:30 at 18:30. • Phone number (toll number): the number of the branch can be found on the website • Hours of contact: the timetable is available on the page dedicated to the Branch Office. POSTE ITALIANE (domestic shipping) • Website: • Research expedition: traceability Poste Italiane. • Delivery times: Monday to Friday from 8:30 at 18:00. • Phone number (toll number): the number of the branch can be found on the website • Hours of contact: the timetable is available on the page dedicated to the Branch Office. Hermes (domestic shipping) • Website: • Research expedition: traceability Hermes. • Delivery times: Monday to Friday from 8:30 at 18:30. • Phone number (toll number): + 390159760432. •:D contact hours to Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 18:00. SAILPOST (domestic shipping) • Website: • Research expedition: Pravin Traceability. • Delivery times: Monday to Friday from 8:30 at 18:00. • Phone number (toll number): the number of Sailpost Agency of jurisdiction can be found on notice. Sailpost customer service: + 39 050 8008790. • Contact Hours: Mon.