Il sigillo e la disinfezione dell’endodonto, fondamentali per la riuscita di un trattamento canalare, in uiscono sulle caratteristiche sico-biomeccaniche del dente trattato e questo ci porta a fare delle considerazioni sulla ricostruzione pre-protesica, sui metodi e sui materiali alla luce delle più recenti ricerche scienti che. La ricostruzione preprotesica, con o senza perno, ha come scopo quello di ottenere il sigillo camerale dell’endodonto e di ripristinare la porzione coronale degli elementi interessati andata perduta a causa della carie e della terapia canalare, al ne di permettere una corretta preparazione protesica. L’arrivo sul mercato di materiali da ricostruzione con modulo di elasticità assolutamente comparabile a quello dei tessuti dentali e il miglioramento delle tecniche adesive hanno rivoluzionato l’approccio dell’odontoiatra al restauro del dente trattato endodonticamente.
Il tipo di ricostruzione coronale e la scelta o meno di utilizzare un perno intracanalare dipendono dalla valutazione della struttura dentale residua e dalle valutazioni funzionali sul carico al quale l’elemento andrà sottoposto
The seal and the disinfection of endodonto, critical to the success of a root canal treatment, biomechanical characteristics effect sico-treated tooth and this leads us to make pre-prosthetic reconstruction considerations, methods and materials in the light of the latest scientific research. -Prosthetic reconstruction, with or without pin, aims to get the seal Chamber of endodonto and restore the coronal portion of the affected items lost due to tooth decay and root canal treatment, to allow proper preparation for Prosthetics. The arrival on the market of building materials with a modulus of elasticity absolutely comparable to that of the dental tissues and improving the adhesive techniques have revolutionized the dentist's approach to restoration of endodontically treated tooth.The type of Coronal reconstruction and the choice whether or not to use a PIN intracanal depend on the assessment of the remaining tooth structure and functional assessments on the load to which the item will be subjected

The seal and endodontium disinfection, essential for the success of a root canal treatment, uiscono on physico-biomechanical characteristics of the treated tooth and this leads us to make some considerations on pre-prosthetic reconstruction, the light on the methods and materials of latest scientific research. The reconstruction Preprosthetic, with or without pin, has the purpose of obtaining the chamber seal endodontium and restore the coronal portion of the concerned elements lost because of caries and root canal therapy, to it to allow a correct prosthetic preparation. The arrival on the market of reconstruction materials with absolutely comparable modulus of elasticity than that of the dental tissues and improved adhesive techniques have revolutionized the dentist's approach to restoration of the endodontically treated tooth.
The type of coronal reconstruction and the choice or unless you use an intracanal pin depend on the evaluation of the remaining tooth structure and functional assessments of the load at which the item will be subjected

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