Simone ha partecipato alla World League, dove l’Italia è arrivata quinta, poi però la svolta: alla World Cup, che serviva da qualificazione a Rio 2016, l’Italia è arrivata seconda staccando il pass per i Giochi, mentre agli Europei ha chiuso terza, superando la Bulgaria per 3-1. E lì Simone è stato premiato come miglior palleggiatore del torneo. Festa? No…
Simone attended the World League, where Italy came fifth, but then the turning point: the World Cup, which served as a qualifier in Rio 2016, Italy finished second by unplugging the pass for the games, while the Europeans ended third, exceeding the 3-1 to Bulgaria. And there Simon was awarded best setter of the tournament. Party? No ...

Simone took part in the World League, where Italy came fifth, but then the turning point: the World Cup, which served as a qualifier in Rio 2016, Italy came second detaching the pass for the Games, while the Europeans closed third, beating Bulgaria 3-1. And there Simone was honored as best setter of the tournament. Party? No…