La stagione non è certo iniziata nel migliore dei modi per l’Italia. La disfatta contro l’Australia a Jesolo, il ko in gara1 contro la Serbia, un gioco ancora poco fluido, difficoltà generali e un gruppo che forse ha ancora qualche ruggine del disastroso Mondiale.
I primi infortuni si fanno sentire, il reparto dei centrali sembra corto tutto d’un tratto, la maturità stoppa Giannelli proprio sul più bello, Lanza è da usare attentamente, Zaytsev si sta cimentando in un ruolo nuovo.
The season is not started in the best way for Italy. The defeat against Australia in Jesolo, the knockout in race 1 against Serbia, a game still very fluid, general difficulties and a group that probably still has some disastrous World rust.The first injuries are felt, the Central Department seems suddenly short, maturity oakum Gan right on the most beautiful, Lanza is to use carefully, Zaytsev is venturing into a new role.

The season is not started in the best way to Italy. The defeat against Australia in Jesolo, the knockout in Race 1 against Serbia, an area of fluid game, general difficulties and a group that perhaps still has some rust disastrous World.
The first injuries are felt, the central department appears short all at once, tow maturity Giannelli just at the climax, Lanza has to be used carefully, Zaytsev is venturing into a new role.
