Torniamo a Rio. La premessa è importante: l’ambiente era molto teso, ormai da tempo, da troppo tempo e i famosi “penso ma non dico” erano all’ordine del giorno. In questo preciso istante mi viene in mente l’immagine del bruco che mangia una mela caduta a terra, e piano piano marcisce. C’era poco dialogo, c’era incoerenza, c’era egoismo, staff e giocatori camminavano su due binari diversi, distanti e in direzioni opposte. Non ci si guardava nemmeno più negli occhi. Io personalmente stavo soffrendo, sia per come stavamo in campo, sia per come ci stavamo preparando ad una finale, sia perchè volevo fare, fare e ancora fare ma c’era come se qualcosa mi tenesse e mi tirasse indietro e una volta voltatomi non vedevo nessuno. Non riuscivo a trovare risposte ai mille “perchè” che mi giravano per la testa. Sembrava di vivere una convivenza forzata. Una sensazione bruttissima, soprattutto nello sport. Sono convinto ancora oggi che stessimo soffrendo tutti tanto. La verità, in poche parole, è che non si doveva arrivare a quel punto. Invece ci siamo arrivati, e di peso.
Back in Rio. The premise is important: the setting was very tense for some time now, for too long and the famous "I think but don't say" were commonplace. At this very moment I am reminded of the image of the Caterpillar who eats an Apple fall to the ground, and slowly rots. There was little dialogue, there was inconsistency, there was selfishness, staff and players walked on two different tracks, and in opposite directions. There he looked even more eyes. I personally I was suffering, both for how we were in camp, both as we were preparing for a final, because I wanted to make, do and still do but there was like something kept me and pulled me back and once voltatomi I didn't see anyone. I couldn't find answers to a thousand "why" that I ran through my head. He seemed to live a forced coexistence. A very bad feeling, especially in sports. I believe even today that we were suffering all that much. The truth, in a nutshell, is that you are not supposed to get to that point. Instead we got there, and liability.

Let's go back to Rio. The premise is important: the atmosphere was very tense, for some time now, too long and the famous "I think but do not say" were commonplace. In this very moment I am reminded of the image of a caterpillar eating an apple fall to the ground, and slowly rots plan. There was little dialogue, there was inconsistency, there was selfishness, staff and players walked on two different tracks, distant and in opposite directions. He does not even look in the eye the most. I personally was suffering, both as we were in the field, both as we were preparing for a final, and because I wanted to do, do and still do but it was as if something held me and pulled me back and once voltatomi not seen nobody. I could not find answers to the thousand "because" going around in my head. It seemed to live a forced cohabitation. A feeling very bad, especially in sports. I still think today that we were suffering all that much. The truth, in short, is that you did not get to that point. Instead we got there, and weight.

t, 20th letter of the alphabet%20distant%20e%20in%20directions%20opposite.%20Not%20Ci%20you%20looked%20even%20Pi%C3%B9%20in%20eyes.%20i%20personally%20i%20sorrowing%20both%20for%20as%20were%20in%20field,%20both%20for%20as%20Ci%20were%20preparing%20to%20a%20final,%20both%20because%C3%A8%20i wanted%20do,%20do%20e%20yet%20do%20but%20c%E2%80%99was%20as%20If%20something%20i%20Take%20e%20i%20tirasse%20back%20e%20a%20time%20voltatomi%20not%20i saw%20None.%20Not%20i could%20a%20find%20answers%20to%20thousand%20%E2%80%9Cperch%C3%A8%E2%80%9D%20that%20i%20revolved%20for%20The%20head.%20seemed%20of%20Live%20a%20coexistence%20forced.%20a%20feeling%20ugly,%20especially%20in%20sport.%20Are%20convinced%20yet%20today%20that%20we were%20suffering%20all%20much.%20The%20truth%C3%A0,%20in%20few%20words,%20%C3%A8%20that%20not%20you%20had to%20arrive%20a%20that%20point.%20Instead%20Ci%20us%20arrived,%20e%20of%20weight.