Buon esordio per la nuova Italia che è rinata al PalaTrento in un’amichevole di fine agosto. Una rondine non fa primavera, soprattutto se il successo è stato conquistato contro l’Argentina, avversaria sì di buon livello ma non certamente all’altezza delle big che affronteranno in Coppa del Mondo (8-23 settembre) quando si andrà a caccia di un pass per le Olimpiadi 2016.
Davanti a quasi 4000 persone (segno ulteriore dell’amore nei confronti di questo gruppo, nonostante tutto) la serata dei debutti ha dato già delle risposte confortanti. Un gruppo che è sembrato unito e già in fase di amalgama, il responso più interessante e atteso dopo il caos dell’ultimo anno tra prestazioni desolanti, un Mondiale imbarazzante, il caos della World League, la cacciata di quattro uomini da Rio e soprattutto il cambio del CT.
Good start for the new Italy that was reborn the PalaTrento in a friendly in late August. One swallow does not make a summer, especially if the achievement was won against Argentina, attacking Yes good but certainly not worthy of big who face off in World Cup (8-23 September) when you go hunting for a pass for the 2016 Olympics.In front of nearly 4000 people (further sign of love towards this bunch, nonostante tutto) gave Debuts already night comforting answers. A group that appeared to uk and already in the process of amalgamation, the response more interesting and awaited after the chaos of last year amid a bleak World, embarrassing performance, the chaos of the World League, the expulsion of four men from Rio and especially the change of CT.

Solid debut for the new Italy that was reborn in PalaTrento in a friendly in late August. One swallow does not make a summer, especially if the success was won against Argentina, attacking so good but certainly not live up to that big face off in the World Cup (September 8 to 23) when you will be looking for a pass for the 2016 Olympics
Ahead of almost 4000 people (further sign of love towards this group, in spite of everything) the evening of debuts has already given the encouraging responses. A group that seemed united and already under amalgam, the most interesting and expected response after the chaos of the last year between bleak performance, an embarrassing World, the chaos of the World League, the expulsion of four men from Rio and especially the change of CT.