Ci alziamo, prendiamo un taxi e andiamo a vedere un quartiere caratteristico di Rio, con un bel panorama di luci dall’alto, una scalinata tutta colorata e molto artistica, facciamo qualche foto mentre passiamo in mezzo a tre bambini che a piedi nudi giocano a calcio in mezzo alla strada. Tra una battuta e l’altra finisce la scalinata e decidiamo di sederci ad un tavolo e ordinare la classica bibita brasiliana, la Caipirinha. C’era davvero un bel clima, finalmente. Esce anche qualche confidenza sul momento che stavamo vivendo, condivisione di molti pensieri e in qualche modo stavamo caricandoci per fare una finale al meglio delle nostre capacità, che in quel momento non erano sicuramente le nostre migliori di sempre. Ma dovevamo e volevamo provarci. La medaglia era alla nostra portata.
We get up, we take a cab and go see a characteristic district of Rio, with beautiful scenery of lights from above a staircase all colored and very artistic, let's take some pictures while we move among three barefoot children playing soccer in the street. Between a joke and the other ends up the staircase and we decide to sit at a table and order the classic Brazilian drink, the Caipirinha. There was a really nice weather, finally. Out some confidence on the moment that we were experiencing, sharing many thoughts and somehow we were caricandoci to make a finale to the best of our ability, which at that time were definitely our best ever. But we had to and we wanted to try. The Medal was within our grasp.
We get up, take a taxi and go to see a quaint neighborhood in Rio, with a beautiful view of lights from above, a whole staircase colorful and very artistic, do some pictures as we pass in the middle of three children playing barefoot football in the street. Between a joke and the other ends up the steps and decide to sit at a table and order the classic Brazilian drink, the Caipirinha. There was a really nice atmosphere, finally. Exit even some confidence on the moment that we were living, sharing many thoughts and somehow we were caricandoci to make a final at the best of our ability, which at that time were definitely not our best ever. But we had to and we wanted to try. The medal was within our reach.
There%20renovate,%20Take%20a%20taxi%20e%20Go%20a%20see%20a%20district%20characteristic%20of%20Rio,%20with%20a%20bel%20panorama%20of%20lights%20from%E2%80%99high,%20a%20staircase%20all%20colored%20e%20very%20artistic,%20we%20some%20Pictures%20while%20let%20in%20means%20a%20three%20children%20that%20a%20ft%20naked%20play%20a%20calcium%20in%20means%20to%20Street.%20Between%20a%20abutment%20e%20l%E2%80%99other%20ends%20The%20staircase%20e%20we decide%20of%20sit%20to%20a%20table%20e%20order%20The%20classic%20drink%20Brazilian,%20The%20Caipirinha.%20C%E2%80%99was%20really%20a%20bel%20climate,%20Finally.%20Exits%20also%20some%20confidence%20on%20moment%20that%20were%20living,%20sharing%20of%20many%20thoughts%20e%20in%20some%20way%20were%20taking on%20for%20do%20a%20final%20al%20better%20of%20our%20capacity%C3%A0,%20that%20in%20that%20moment%20not%20were%20Surely%20The%20our%20best%20of%20always.%20But%20had%20e%20wanted%20try.%20The%20medal%20was%20to%20our%20flow.