Quest’estate ho avuto solo una settimana di vacanza e sono andato in Puglia con la mia ragazza e un gruppo di amici, poi sono tornato subito in palestra per allenarmi con la Nazionale. Dopo la Maturità, però, mi sono iscritto alla facoltà di Scienze Alimentari e nel tempo libero dagli allenamenti, quando riesco, studio. E’ difficile conciliare l’università con la palestra, ma mi faccio dei riassunti. Queste feste di Natale arrivano a pennello dopo un anno molto intenso: non ci siamo mai fermati e adesso posso finalmente stare a casa con la mia famiglia, che non vedo tanto spesso, e staccare mentalmente la spina per qualche giorno.
This summer I had just one week away and I went with my girlfriend and a group of friends, then I went straight back to the gym to train with the national team. After high school, however, I joined the Faculty of food science and leisure time workouts, when I can, studio. It's hard to reconcile the University with the gym but I do summaries. These Christmas parties come to brush after a very intense year: we never stopped and now I can finally stay home with my family, which I don't see as often, and mentally detach the plug for a few days.

This summer I only had a week's holiday and went in Puglia with my girlfriend and a group of friends, then I went straight back to the gym to train with the national team. After Maturity, however, I enrolled at the Faculty of Food Science and in his spare time from training when I can, study. It 'difficult to reconcile the university with the gym, but I do summaries. This Christmas come to brush after a busy year: we never stopped and now I can finally be at home with my family, I do not see so often, and switch off mentally for a few days.