I Mandala rappresentano il simbolismo magico dell’Universo, nella costruzione entro “il cerchio eterno” della ruota della vita. Diffuso nella maggior parte delle religioni, riconducono l’uomo al Creatore, al Divino: Greci, Egizi, Navaho e i monaci buddisti tibetani hanno costruito Mandala, che rappresentano l’illusione della vita terrena e, in alcuni casi, la filosofia karmica.
Mandalas are the magical symbolism of the universe, in the building within "eternal circle" the wheel of life. Common in most religions, lead man to the creator, to the divine: the Greeks, Egyptians, Navaho and Tibetan Buddhist monks have constructed Mandalas, representing the illusion of mortality and, in some cases, the karmic philosophy.

Mandalas represent the Universe magical symbolism, in construction by "the eternal round" of the wheel of life. Widespread in most religions, bring back the man to the Creator, the Divine: the Greeks, Egyptians, Navaho and Tibetan Buddhist monks have built Mandala, representing the illusion of earthly life and, in some cases, the karmic philosophy.

The Mandala represent the magical symbolism of the Universe, in the construction "within the circle lord of the wheel of life. Widespread in most of religions, lead man to the Creator, to the Divine: Greek, Egyptians, Navaho and the Tibetan Buddhist monks have built the Mandala, representing the illusion of earthly life and, in some cases, the karmic philosophy.