…"u sciabbacotu", canti e cunti, tamburi e marranzano.
Entra in contatto con la musica popolare siciliana e con le forme del “cuntismo” tradizionale isolano sin da giovanissimo per le strade e le piazze dei paesi della Sicilia orientale. Appena quindicenne, entra a far parte del “Coro Popolare Siciliano”, formazione fra le più rigorose in ambito etnomusicologico per la serietà e meticolosità delle proprie ricerche e riproposizioni, in qualità di corista e ballerino, partecipando a tre produzioni distinte. Qualche anno dopo, prende parte alla formazione della “Compagnia Liberi Attori Siciliani”, con cui, per due stagioni, propone commedie di sapore farsesco in lingua siciliana in numerose piazze dell’Isola.
... "u sciabbacotu", songs and cunti, drums and marranzano. Get in touch with Sicilian folk music and forms of "cuntismo" traditional Islander very early in the streets and squares of the villages of eastern Sicily. The age of fifteen, he joined the "Sicilian Folk Choir", one of the most rigorous training in ethnomusicology for the seriousness and thoroughness of its research and remodelings, as Chorister and dancer, participating in three separate productions. A few years later, he took part in the formation of the "Free Sicilian Actors Company", with which, for two seasons, farcical comedies of flavor in Sicilian language has in many squares on the island.
... "U sciabbacotu", singing and cunti, drums and jew's harp.
Get in touch with the Sicilian folk music and with the forms of "traditional cuntismo" isolate from an early age on the streets and squares of the countries of eastern Sicily. Just fifteen, he joined the "People's Choir Siciliano" education among the strictest in the field of ethnomusicology for the seriousness and thoroughness of their research and reworkings, as a backup singer and dancer, participating in three separate productions. A few years later, he took part in the formation of "Free Society Actors Siciliani", with which, for two seasons, proposes to taste farcical comedies in Sicilian language in many places of the island.