In queste condizioni anche il Led rosso ALARM 3¨ rimarra acceso ad indicare lattivazione del rele d'allarme. Perriportare il rele nelle condizioni di funzionamento normale vatenuto premuto per circa 5 secondi il pulsante RESET
Under these conditions the Red Led ALARM 3 is will remain lit to indicate the alarm activating relay. The relay Perriportare in normal operation vatenuto down for about 5 seconds the RESET button
In these circumstances, the red LED ALARM 3 D will remain on to indicate the activation of the alarm relay. Perriportare the relay in normal operation vatenuto pressed for about 5 seconds the RESET button
In these conditions even the red Led ALARM 3¨ will remain turned on to indicate activation of the relay alarm. Perriportare relay in normal operating conditions vatenuto pressed the RESET button for approximately 5 seconds