Ciascun rigo visualizzato nella griglia corrisponde a un ordine inviato al broker corrispondente a quello proposto dal flusso di consulenza. Per lo stesso principio enunciato nella descrizione del pannello “Orders Signals”, ogni ordine contiene riferimenti della strategia che lo ha prodotto. Questo automatismo è stato implementato per fornire un controllo contabile capillare. Ne consegue che, anche in questo caso, fra le caratteristiche dell’ordine, sono inclusi anche gli elementi anagrafici distintivi della strategia di riferimento. Ricordiamo nuovamente che anche in questo pannello è utilizzato il sistema di colorimetria che permette di identificare gli ordini provenienti da sistemi piramidali o non piramidali. Questi ultimi, come di consueto, sono caratterizzati dal colore verde, mentre gli ordini relativi a sistemi piramidali sono visualizzati in colore azzurro. Il numero e la qualità dei righi che compongono la griglia è aggiornato in tempo reale a seguito dell’elaborazione del flusso di consulenza.
Each staff appears in the grid corresponds to an order sent to the broker that corresponds to that proposed by consulting stream. For the same principle set out in the description of the Panel "Orders Signals", each order contains references of the strategy that produced it. This automated system was implemented to provide an audit. It follows that, even in this case, between the characteristics of the order, personal items are also included reference strategy badges. Remember again that even in this Panel is used the system of Colorimetry identifying orders from pyramid schemes or not pyramid schemes. The latter, as usual, are characterized by the color green, while the orders for pyramid schemes are shown in blue. The number and quality of the lines that compose the grid is updated in real time as a result of streaming media consulting firm.
Each line displayed in the grid corresponds to an order sent to the broker corresponding to that proposed by the flow of advice. For the same principle set out in the "Orders Signals panel description", each order contains references of the strategy that produced it. This mechanism has been implemented to provide a comprehensive audit. It follows that, even in this case, among the characteristics of the order, are included also the distinctive elements of the master reference strategy. Recall again that in this panel is used the colorimetric system that allows the identification of orders from pyramidal or pyramid schemes. The latter, as usual, are characterized by the green color, while the orders related to pyramid systems are displayed in blue color. The number and the quality of the lines that make up the grid is updated in real time to processing following the flow of advice.