SKY - Napoli, dalle cessioni il tesoretto per Maksimovic: le novità e le indiscrezioni
Che estate per Cristiano Giuntoli, la prima da direttore sportivo del Napoli. Tante le operazioni in entrata per l'ex dirigente del Carpi, ma al tempo stesso anche movimenti in uscita. Tra le priorità c'è il futuro di Gokhan Inler. Attesa nelle prossime ore la decisione del giocatore, che sta parlando con il suo procuratore per decidere la destinazione migliore tra Besiktas, Schalke 04 e Leicester.La più convincente, potrebbe essere quella del club tedesco.
Si lavora anche alla cessione di Jonathan De Guzman. Trattativa in corso con il Marsiglia, che sin qui è arrivato a offrire 3 milioni di euro per il centrocampista olandese. Il Napoli però, chiede 5. Possibile intesa a metà strada, su una cifra attorno ai 4 milioni. Con le valigie in mano ancheHenrique, sul quale è forte il pressing del Bordeaux che ha offerto sin qui tra i 2 e 3 mln per il difensore brasiliano.
Estimatori dalla Francia anche per Faouzi Ghoulam, con il Psg vigile sul giocatore algerino. Ancora distanza tra domanda e offerta, con il club di Blanc che ha messo sul piatto 6/7 milioni a fronte della richiesta di 10 da parte del Napoli. L'eventuale cessione dell'ex St.Etienne potrebbe sbloccare la trattativa con il Sassuolo per arrivare a Sime Vrsaljko, con il club azzurro che avrebbe a disposizione la liquidità necessaria per dare l'assalto all'esterno croato. Tuttavia, il tesoretto ricavato dalle cessioni potrebbe servire per arrivare anche a Maksimovic, centrale serbo delTorino. 25 milioni la richiesta del Toro, il Napoli spera che i granata scendano col prezzo. E' bene cedere, quanto prima. Il tesoretto serve per aumentare l'offerta. Tante offerte sul mercato, il Napoli al lavoro.
Sky-Naples, from the trove supplies for M: news and rumorsThat summer for Christian Garcia, the first Sports Director of Naples. Many incoming transactions for former Executive of Carpi, but at the same time outgoing movements. Among the priorities is the future of Gokhan Inler. In the next few hours waiting for the decision of the player, who is speaking with his attorney to decide the choice between Besiktas, Schalke 04 and Leicester.La, may be more persuasive than the German club.It also works for the transfer of Jonathan De Guzman. Ongoing negotiations with Marseille, which so far has reached 3 million offer for the Dutch midfielder. However, Napoli 5 asks. Possible agreement halfway through, on a figure of around 4 million. With suitcases in hand ancheHenrique, on which there is a strong pressure of Bordeaux which offered so far between 2 and 3 million for the Brazilian defender.Admirers from France for Faouzi Ghoulam, with Psg on Algerian player alert. Still distance between supply and demand, Baksi club who put on dish 6/7 million against 10 request from the Naples. The possible sale of the former St. Etienne could unlock the deal with Sassuolo to Sime Vrsaljko, blue club that would available liquidity needed to give the assault outside Croatia. However, the trove taken from disposals could serve to get to Central Serbian Maksimovic, delTorino. 25 million Bull's request, the Naples hopes fall with grenade price. It is good to give, as soon as possible. The trove serves to increase the supply. Many offerings on the market, the Naples to work.

SKY - Naples, transfers the trove for Maksimovic: all the news and rumors
that summer for Guintoli's Christian, the first by sporting director of the Naples. Many operations in entry for the former leader of the Carpi, but at the same time also movements in output. Among the priority there and the future of Gokhan Inler. Waiting in the next few hours the player decision,That is talking with his attorney to decide the best destination between Besiktas, Schalke 04 and Leicester.La more convincing, could be that of the German club.
work is also on the sale of Jonathan de Guzman. Deal with the Marseilles, which so far has arrived to offer 3 million euro for the dutch midfielder. The Naples however, calls for 5.You can understanding halfway on a figure around 4 million. With the suitcases in hand anchehenrique, on which is strong, the ultimatum of the Bordeaux that has offered since here between 2 and 3 mln for the defender brazilian.
admirers from France also to Faouzi Ghoulam, with the PSG vigilant on Algerian player. Yet distance between supply and demand,With the club of Blanc that has put on the plate 6/7 million in the face of the request for 10 by the Naples. THE possible sale of the former St. Etienne could unlock the deal with the Sassuolo to arrive at Sime Vrsaljko, with the club azzurro which would have the necessary liquidity for the assault outside croatian. However,The trove derived from disposals could serve to arrive also to Maksimovic, central deltorino serbian. 25 Million to the request of the Taurus, the Naples hopes that the grenade will fall with the price. It is good yield, as soon as possible. The trove serves to increase the offer. Many offers on the market, the Naples to work.