2VII.Rileggi questo articolo e rispondi alle domande."Appartengo a una generazione che ha voluto cambiare il mondo, ma che ha commesso il terribile errore di non volere cambiare prima se stessa". José Mujica, l'80enne ex presidente dell'Uruguay che durante l'epoca della dittatura fu imprigionato per 15 anni in una cella di isolamento, ha una visione del mondo piuttosto chiara. Il lungo periodo in carcere gli ha permesso di pensare molto e, in occasione dell'inaugurazione del Congresso sulla Saggezza e sulla Conoscenzaorganizzato dalla stazione radio spagnola Cadena Ser a Cordova, ha illustrato alcuni cardini della propria concezione dell'esistenza.In prigione ho pensato che le cose hanno un inizio e una fine. Ció che ha un inizio e una fine è semplicemente la vita. Il resto è solo di passaggio. La vita è questo, un minuto e se ne va. Abbiamo a disposizione l'eternità per non essere e solo un minuto per essere. Per questo, ciò che più mi offende oggi è la poca importanza che diamo al fatto di essere vivi.Da quando, qualche mese fa, Mujica ha smesso di governare il proprio Paese, ha iniziato a viaggiare parecchio ed è diventato un punto di riferimento per diverse persone. Molti apprezzano le sue idee, il suo modo di essere semplice e il suo parlar chiaro.Essere anziano è un vantaggio, perché da giovane uno può montarsi la testa con tutti questi elogi. Però non sono né un filosofo né un intellettuale. Lo sono stato fino ai 25 anni. Fino a quell'età leggevo di tutto, dalla guida telefonica a Seneca.Il filosofo romano vissuto a Cordova è stato una costante nel discorso dell'80enne. "Seneca affermava che non è povero chi ha poco, ma chi desidera molto". Mujica si è cosí concentrato sull'economia di mercato e su un sistema di crescita basato sul consumo.Io lotto contro l'idea che la felicità stia nella capacità di comprare cose nuove. Non siamo venuti al mondo solo per lavorare e per comprare; siamo nati per vivere. La vita è un miracolo; la vita è un regalo. E ne abbiamo solo una
2VII. Read this article and then answer the questions. " I belong to a generation that wanted to change the world, but who committed the terrible mistake of not wanting change before herself. " José Mujica, the 80 year old former President of Uruguay that during the era of the dictatorship he was jailed for 15 years in an isolation cell, has a pretty clear view of the world. The long period in prison allowed him to think a lot and, at the opening of the Congress on the wisdom and Conoscenzaorganizzato Spanish radio station Cadena Ser in Cordoba, outlined some key points of their conception of existence. In prison I thought that things have a beginning and an end. That which has a beginning and an end is simply life. The rest is just passing through. Life is this, one minute and leaves. We have eternity for not being and only a minute to be. For this, what most offends me now is the little importance we give to the fact of being alive. Since a few months ago, Mujica has ceased to govern their own Country, began to travel a lot and has become a landmark for several people. Many appreciate his ideas, his way of being simple and straight talk. Be an elder is an advantage, because as a young one can mount your head with all these accolades. Though I am neither a philosopher nor an intellectual. I was up to 25 years. Up at that age I was reading everything from phone book to Seneca.Il Roman philosopher lived in Cordoba has been a constant in the speech of the 80 year old. "Seneca stated that there is poor who has little, but those who want a lot." Mujica was so focused on market economy and on a system of growth based on consumption. I fight against the idea that happiness lies in the ability to buy new things. We didn't come to the world just to work and to buy; We were born to live. Life is a miracle; life is a gift. And we only have a

2VII.Rileggi this article and answer the questions. "I belong to a generation that wanted to change the world, but who committed the terrible mistake of not wanting to change before herself." José Mujica, the 80 year old former president of Uruguay during the era of the dictatorship was imprisoned for 15 years in solitary confinement, it has a world view quite clear. The long period in prison has allowed him to think a lot and, at the opening of the Congress on the Wisdom and Conoscenzaorganizzato by the Spanish radio station Cadena Ser in Cordova, she presented some cornerstones of its conception dell'esistenza.In prison I thought things have a beginning and an end. That which has a beginning and an end is simply life. The rest is just passing through. Life is this, a minute and leaves. We have eternity to be not only a minute to be. For this, what most offends me today is the lack of importance that we give to being vivi.Da when, a few months ago, Mujica has ceased to rule their own country, he started to travel a lot and has become a point of reference for different people. Many appreciate his ideas, his way of being simple and his elder speak chiaro.Essere is an advantage, because as a young one can mount the head with all these accolades. But I am neither a philosopher nor an intellectual. I have been up to 25 years. Until that age I read everything from the phone book to Seneca.Il Roman philosopher who lived in Cordoba has been a constant in the 80-discourse. "Seneca said that is not poor who has little, but those who want a lot." Mujica was so focused on market economy and a growth-based system consumo.Io lot against the idea that happiness lies in the ability to buy new things. We did not come to the world only to work and to buy; we were born to live. Life is a miracle; life is a gift. And we only have a

2VII.Reread%20This%20article%20e%20reply%20to%20questions.%22i belong%20a%20a%20generation%20that%20has%20wanted%20change%20The%20World,%20but%20that%20has%20committed%20The%20terrible%20error%20of%20not%20want%20change%20first%20If%20same%22.%20Jos%C3%A9%20Mujica,%20l%2780enne%20ex%20president%20of%27Uruguay%20that%20during%20l%27era%20of%20dictatorship%20was%20imprisoned%20for%2015%20years%20in%20a%20cell%20of%20insulation,%20has%20a%20Vision%20of%20World%20rather%20Chiara.%%20The%20rest%20%C3%A8%20only%20of%20passage.%20The%20life%20%C3%A8%20this,%20a%20minute%20e%20If%20ne%20va.%20We%20a%20arrangement%20l%27eternit%C3%A0%20for%20not%20be%20e%20only%20a%20minute%20for%20BE.%20For%20this,%20Ci%C3%B2%20that%20Pi%C3%B9%20i%20offends%20today%20%C3%A8%20The%20little%20importance%20that%20let%20al%20fact%20of%20be%20Live.From%20when,%20some%20month%20fa,%20Mujica%20has%20stopped%20of%20govern%20The%20precisely%20country,%%%20Not%20us%20come%20al%20World%20only%20for%20work%20e%20for%20Buy;%20us%20born%20for%20live.%20The%20life%20%C3%A8%20a%20miracle;%20The%20life%20%C3%A8%20a%20gift.%20E%20ne%20we%20only%20a