E’ un palleggio angelico che difende e mura come un demonio, perché ogni separazione tra mano e pallone è un’onta insopportabile.
Il Piccolo Principe è Divino, e in quanto tale gli perdoni tutto. Anche la voce enfatica e incerta, anche il pizzetto inguardabile da adolescente alle porte del mondo. Glielo perdoni ogni volta che entra in campo e inizia a disegnare le sue traiettorie, senza farsi sorprendere dalle variazioni sul tema, assoggettandole, anzi, al proprio volere. Nessun movimento fuori posto, la lingua di fuori ad ogni tracciante come unica concessione “plebea”, quasi fosse rituale. Lo faceva – lo fa ancora, lontano dai nostri lidi – anche Ivan Miljkovic, un altro che, in modo completamente diverso, mi ha sempre dato quella sensazione di totalità.
It's a dribble angelico who defends and walls like a demon, because any separation between hand and ball is a disgrace.The little Prince is divine, and as such, forgive everything. Even the emphatic and uncertain voice, even the world as a teenager at the entrance. unwatchable goatee Forgive him every time he takes the field and begins to draw his lines without getting carried away by the variations on the theme, a regulated, indeed, to their will. No movement out of place, his tongue out at every tracer as the only concession "plebeian", almost like ritual. He did – it still does, away from our shores – including Ivan Miljkovic, another who, in a completely different way, always gave me that feeling of completeness.

It 'a dribble angelic defending and walls like a demon, because any separation between hand and ball is a disgrace unbearable.
The Little Prince is Divine, and as such, forgive him everything. Even the emphatic and uncertain voice, even the goatee unwatchable as a teenager at the gates of the world. Forgive him every time I entered the game and start drawing his lines without being caught by the variations on the theme, subjecting them, indeed, to their will. No movement out of place, his tongue out at each tracer as the only "commoner" concession, almost like a ritual. He did - he still does, far from our shores - even Ivan Miljkovic, another who, in a completely different way, has always given me that feeling of wholeness.