SKY - Ultime su Ghoulam, Inler, Vargas, Bifulco...
Capitolo cessioni. Il Psg resta forte su Faouzi Ghoulam. Il terzino algerino interessa al club francese come sostituto di Lucas Digne, che potrebbe andare alla Roma. Si attendono novità anche sul futuro di Gokhan Inler, conteso da Leicester, West Ham, Schalke 04 e Besiktas. Il classe 1997 Alfredo Bifulco, invece, si trasferisce in prestito al Rimini. Infine Edu Vargas: l’attaccante cileno, che in attesa di una nuova squadra si allena con l’Universidad de Chile, piace anche al Trabzonspor.
SKY-latest on Ghoulam, Inler, Vargas, Balaji ...Chapter assignments. Psg remains strong on Faouzi Ghoulam. The Algerian Defender interests the French club as a replacement for Lucas Digne, he might go to Rome. Expect news about the future of Gokhan Inler, contested by Leicester, West Ham, Schalke 04 and Besiktas. The 1997 class Alfredo Bifulco, instead, he moved on loan to Rimini. Finally Edu Vargas: Chilean striker, pending a new team trains with Universidad de Chile, also like to Trabzonspor.

SKY - the latest on Ghoulam, Inler, Vargas, Bifulco ...
Chapter assignments. The psg remains strong on Faouzi Ghoulam. The fullback algerian interested in french club as a substitute for Lucas Digne, which could go to Rome. Expect news also on the future of Gokhan Inler, contended from Leicester, West Ham, Schalke 04 and Besiktas. The class 1997 Alfredo Bifulco, on the other hand,He moved on loan to Rimini. Finally Edu Vargas: l'Chilean striker, that waiting for a new team trains with the Universidad de Chile, also likes to Trabzonspor.