Market of the Naples ready to enter the vivo, hours of intense work for the ds Guintoli's. Who, after having closed to Astori waits for the player solves the last details with your technical sponsor for then unlock the situation with the rights of the image: the same Astori today has moved in the first person, tomorrow there may be news.
as for Allan.The ds Guintoli's today met with the agents of the Brazilian player, face to face with the deal that proceeds toward the happy ending, with defender Britos who seem willing to accept the Watford.
in the thoughts of Naples there is also always Vrsaljko, but the club azzurro does not seem willing to go beyond the 10-11 million against the 14-15 requested the Sassuolo:Alternative Room remains of Hellas Verona, for which there is, however no deal in progress at the time.