Voglio ringraziare chi c’era in quella camera d’albergo quella domenica dopo la riunione. Credo che quel momento, per quanto fosse triste, mi abbia fatto capire il senso della vita. Non dello sport, della vita.
Ringrazio Giovino, il mio eterno compagno di stanza. La mattina seguente, con la valigia in spalla, l’ho abbracciato per salutarlo e dopo tanto tempo mi ha fatto piangere. Nessuna parola, solo un lungo abbraccio. Ti conosce bene solo chi ti vede piangere. Pura verità”.
I want to thank whoever was there in that hotel room that Sunday after the meeting. I think that moment, sad as it was, made me understand the meaning of life. Not sports, life.I thank Chantel, my eternal roomie. The next morning, with a bag over his shoulder, I hugged him to greet him and after so long it made me cry. No words, just a long hug. Knows you well just who sees you cry. Pure truth. "

I want to thank everyone who was in that hotel room that Sunday after the meeting. I think that time, though it was sad, it made me understand the meaning of life. Not sport, life.
I thank Jovinus, my eternal roommate. The next morning, with the suitcase on his shoulder, I hugged him and to greet him after so long made me cry. No words, just a long embrace. Knows you well only those who see you cry. Pure truth".