The return of Zaytsev in place 2 course has also changed the hierarchies in the opposite department. Luca Vettori and Julius Sabbi, another returned to Rio purged the ranks, seem to be the designated deputy of the Tsar, but who will be preferred? Do not forget that Sabbi is also the opposite of Macerata: the dual role will influence the choice of Blengini?
No doubt, however, on the shortstop role that will be completely entrusted to Simone Giannelli. It will be presented to the World Cup as an adult, having already enchanted World League (memorable his meeting with Serbia, but fell against Poland) and in the Finale Scudetto won by Trent. You must simply find a bit 'of continuity to the great levels but the future is her own safety, variety of shots, great charisma, maturity and authenticity. It can really serve well Zaytsev with which he had already found the great, must calibrate with Juantorena (ah, himself a man of Macerata ...) while Lanza there is already a lot of feeling. Dragan Travica is now on the back burner (but never fall in National?), Davide Saitta and Daniele Sottile (oops the setter of Latina, the former team of Blengini ...) are the two reserves: will the two of them to fight for a place in the World Cup.