Cyber robot Nn si riesce a scaricare l'app x farlo funzionare. Trovo assurdo che per farlo funzionare sia questo l'unico modo, il mio comunque e' un tel nuovo e il gioco resta inutilizzabile per il bambino
Cyber robot Nn you can download x make it work. I find it absurd that this is the only way to make it work, mine anyway it's a phone again and the game remains unusable for baby
Cyber robot Nn are unable to download the app x make it work. I find it absurd that for it to work is the only way, however, and my 'a new phone and the game remains unusable for the child
Cyber robot Nn you are unable to download the app x run. I find it absurd that for it to work this is the only way my however is a tel again and the game remains unusable for the child