Therefore it is advisable to follow a middle way: to rectify the most important parts, essentially the shoulders, by means of the deployment and, for the rest, complete the indications, for any adjustments, following the procedure of the chalk mark.However, as regards the procedure of the chalk mark, especially if used to indicate the corrections of each part of the dress, we point out that it must be followed methodically so that the chalk sign clearly expresses the extent of the corrections to be made. We also recommend, especially if the adjustments are indicated only by the chalk mark, to take notes, immediately after the test, and write them down close to the customer's measurements. chalk mark procedure. At the end of this chapter concerning the test, we repeat what was said in the beginning: it is necessary to put the maximum effort, both in taking the measurements, and in the cut, so that the dress can be as less defective as possible, in order to make the test operation less difficult.
Therefore it is Advisable to follow a middle way: to rectify the most important parts, essentially the shoulders, by means of the deployment and, for the rest, the complete indications, for any adjustments, Following the procedures of the chalk mark.<br>However, as regards the procedures of the chalk mark, especially if used to indicated the corrections of each part of the dress, we point out That it must be Followed methodically So THAT the chalk sign Clearly Expresses the extent of the corrections to be made. We also recommend, especially if the adjustments are indicato only by the chalk mark, to take notes, immediately after the test, and write them down close to the customer's measurements. chalk mark procedures. At the end of this chapter Concerning the tests, we repeat what was said in the beginning: it is Necessary to put the maximum effort, both in taking the measurements, and in the cut, I know That the dress can be as less defective as possible in order to make the operation less difficult test.

Therefore it is advisable to follow a middle way: to rectify the most important parts, essentially the shoulders, by means of the deployment and, for the rest, complete the indications, for any adjustments, following the procedure of the chalk mark.<br>However, as regards the procedure of the chalk mark, especially if used to indicate the corrections of each part of the dress, we point out that it must be followed methodically so that the chalk sign clearly expresses the extent of the corrections to be made. We also recommend, especially if the adjustments are indicated only by the chalk mark, to take notes, immediately after the test, and write them down close to the customer's measurements. chalk mark procedure. At the end of this chapter concerning the test, we repeat what was said in the beginning: it is necessary to put the maximum effort, both in taking the measurements, and in the cut, so that the dress can be as less defective as possible, in order to make the test operation less d ifficult. ...