Sportitalia - Zuniga, sondaggi di due club italiani e dall'Inghilterra: la situazione
Attraverso il proprio blog, l'esperto di mercato di Sportitalia Alfredo Pedullà ha fatto il punto sul futuro di Juan Camilo Zuniga. Il colombiano dovrebbe lasciare Napoli entro la fine del mercato estivo. "I prossimi giorni saranno importanti per Camilo Zuniga. Al novanta per cento lascerà il Napoli, come ha fatto intuire il suo agente Riccardo Calleri. Fino a pochi giorni fa ci aveva pensato la Fiorentina, ma l'ingaggio alto ha complicato - almeno finora - la situazione. Ci sono stati sondaggi di Inter e Roma, all'interno di una situazione chiara (gli uomini mercato di Thohir cercheranno uno tra Fabio Coentrao e Criscito, in lizza anche Masuaku; Sabatini aspetta Digne nelle prossime ore, piace Emerson nella scorsa stagione a Palermo). Contatti anche in Premier con un paio di club, presto decollerà il mercato di Zuniga".
Sportitalia-Zuniga, surveys of two Italian teams and England: the situationThrough their own blog, market expert Sportitalia Alfredo Palmer made the point about the future of Juan Camilo Zuniga. The Colombian should leave Naples by the end of summer. "The next few days will be important for Camilo Zuniga. Ninety percent will leave Naples, how did he guess her agent Riccardo Calleri. Until a few days ago we had thought the Florentine, but signing up complicated-at least so far-the situation. There have been surveys of Inter and Roma, within a clear situation (Thohir market men will try one of Crisco and Fabio Coentrao, competing even Masuaku; S wait Digne in the coming hours, like Emerson last season in Palermo). Also in contacts with a couple of clubs, the market will take off soon by Zuniga.

All Music Tv - Sportitalia - Zuniga, surveys of two italian clubs and from England: the situation
through his blog, the expert in market of All Music Tv - Sportitalia Alfredo Pedulla has made the point on the future of Juan Camilo Zuniga. The Colombian should leave Naples by the end of the summer market. "The next few days will be important to Camilo Zuniga. Ninety percent will leave the Naples,How did intuit his agent Riccardo Calleri. Until a few days ago we had thought the Fiorentina, but the hiring high has complicated - at least so far - the situation. There have been surveys of Inter and Roma, inside a situation clear (the men market Thohir will seek one of Fabio Coentrao and Criscito, also in the running Masuaku; Sabatini expects Digne in the next few hours,Like Emerson in the last season in Palermo). Contacts also in Premier with a couple of club, soon departs on market of Zuniga".