Nativo di S. Stefano Lodigiano, missionario del PIME, P. Carlo, se si eccettuano due brevi parentisi italiane di tre anni ciascuna, a partire dal 1962 vive a Hong Kong, città situata alle porte della Cina.
Diversi i servizi svolti e gli incarichi ricoperti nella sua lunga vita missionaria: annuncio della Parola, insegnante e vice-rettore nel Seminario diocesano di Hong Kong, operaio in una fabbrica tessile e infine parrocco.
Attualmente P. Carlo si trova nella parrocchia del S. Cuore nella zona di Sai Kung sempre ad Hong Kong.
A native of s. Stefano Lodigiano, missionary of PIME, p. Carlo, apart from two brief parentheses each three years in Italy, since 1962 he lives in Hong Kong, a city just outside of China.Several services and offices held in his long missionary life: proclaiming the word, teacher and Deputy Rector at the Diocesan Seminary of Hong Kong, a textile factory worker and then parish priest.Currently fr. Carlo is located in the parish of sacred heart in the Sai Kung area in Hong Kong.

A native of S. Stefano Lodi, PIME missionary, Father Carlo, except for two brief parentisi Italian three years each, starting from 1962 based in Hong Kong, a city located at the gateway to China.
Several services performed and tasks covered in his long missionary life: preaching the Word, teacher and vice-rector of the diocesan seminary of Hong Kong, a worker in a textile factory and then parish priest.
Currently P. Carlo is located in the parish of the Sacred Heart in the Sai Kung always in Hong Kong.

Native of S. Stefano Lodigiano, PIME missionary, Fr. Charles, if you apart from two short italian parentisi of three years each, starting from 1962 he lives in Hong Kong, a city located at the gates of the China.
different services provided and the positions held in his long life missionary: proclamation of the Word, teacher and vice-rector at the diocesan Seminary in Hong Kong,Worker in a textile factory and finally serving.
Currently P. Carlo is located in the parish of S. Heart in the area of Sai Kung always in Hong Kong.