Ti manca il fatto di non vivere il sabato sera come un qualsiasi ragaz的英文翻譯

Ti manca il fatto di non vivere il

Ti manca il fatto di non vivere il sabato sera come un qualsiasi ragazzo della tua età?.

«Ho fatto una scelta, e sto facendo la cosa che mi piace di più quindi i sacrifici non mi pesano».

Se avessi un fine-settimana libero, cosa vorresti fare?.

«Prenderei un aereo senza dirlo a nessuno e andrei su un isola deserta per tre giorni. Ogni tanto staccare da tutto e tutti fa bene, serve per ricaricarsi e guardare dall'esterno quello che hai fatto e come stai vivendo».
Quest'anno passerai il Natale in palestra.

«Mi piacerebbe almeno pranzare con la mia famiglia ma il 26 andiamo a Monza per giocare contro il Vero Volley».

Il 2014 è stato un anno ricco di soddisfazioni. Cosa ti auguri per il 2015?.

«Sì, l'unico rammarico è non essere riusciti a salire sul podio all'Europeo con la Nazionale Juniores, quando ci penso mi viene ancora il nervoso. Per il 2015 ho tre obiettivi: migliorare il mio livello di gioco, la maturità e prendere la patente».

Sei appassionato di cinema: hai un film preferito?.

«"Il Gladiatore" mi ha sempre appassionato perché non si arrende e trova gloria. "Transformers" per gli effetti speciali e poi mi piace anche il genere fantasy quindi "Harry Potter". Tra i personaggi dei fumetti scelgo Superman, ero andato al cinema a vedere "L'uomo d'acciaio"».

Forza di volontà e carattere unite a fantasia e grinta sotto rete, che si traducono a volte in "tocchi magici", è proprio quello che Simone sta mostrando in campo con la Energy T.I. e se il difetto che il giovane regista ammette di avere è la testardaggine, pensiamo che sia anche un pregio.

Perché se aspiri a raggiungere certi livelli e se hai degli obiettivi importanti, l'unico modo per realizzarli è lottare ogni giorno con passione e determinazione come ha sempre fatto il numero 9 gialloblù.
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Do you miss not living on Saturday night as any boy your age?."I made a choice, and I'm doing what I love more then the sacrifices I weigh."If I had a free weekend, what would you do?."I'd take a plane without telling anyone and wouldn't on a deserted island for three days. Every now and then get away from it all and all is good, serves to recharge and look from the outside what you did and how you're living. "This year you'll spend Christmas at the gym."I would like to at least have lunch with my family but the 26 we go to Monza for play against the real Volleyball". The 2014 was a year full of satisfactions. What wishes for the 2015?."Yes, the only regret is not being able to get on the podium at the European Junior National team, when I think about it I will still nervous. For 2015 I have three objectives: improve my level of play, maturity and get my license. "Are you passionate about cinema: do you have a favorite movie?.«"Gladiator" I have always been passionate about because it does not give up and find glory. " Transformers "for Visual effects and then I also like the fantasy genre then" Harry Potter ". Among comic book characters I choose Superman, I went to the cinema to see "man of steel"».Willpower and character combined with imagination and grit under NET, resulting sometimes in "magic touches", that's just what Simone is showing in the Energy field with T.I. and if the defect which the young Director admits to having is the stubbornness, we think it is also an advantage.Because if you aspire to reach certain levels and if you have important goals, the only way to achieve them you struggle every day with passion and determination as she always made the number 9 gialloblu.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Do you miss the fact of not living on a Saturday night like any boy your age ?.

"I made a choice, and I'm doing the thing I like best so the sacrifices do not weigh myself."

If I had a weekend free what would you do ?.

"I would take a plane without telling anyone and I would go on a desert island for three days. Every now and then disconnect from it all does well, is used to recharge and look from the outside what you did and how you're living. "
This year you will spend Christmas in the gym.

" I'd at least have lunch with my family but the 26 we go in Monza to play against your True Volleyball. "

the 2014 was a successful year. What are your hopes for 2015 ?.

"Yes, the only regret is not being able to get on the podium with the National Junior European Championships, when I think I am still nervous. For 2015 I have three objectives: to improve my level of play, the maturity and get my license. "

Are you passionate about cinema: you have a favorite movie ?.

" "Gladiator" has always passionate because I did not give up and find glory. "Transformers" for special effects and then I also like the fantasy genre so "Harry Potter." Among the characters of Superman comics I choose, I went to the movies to see "The Man of Steel. '"

Strength of will and character combined with imagination and determination in the network, resulting sometimes in "magic touch", it is what Simon is showing the field with the Energy TI and if the defect that the young director admits he is stubbornness, we think it is also an advantage.

Because if you aspire to reach certain levels and if you have some important goals, the only way to achieve them is to fight every day with passion and determination as it always has the number 9 gialloblù.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
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